Three Day Weekend

We kept really busy this weekend and also got quite a bit done on the kura, guest room, office and Jiro’s work space. Nina has moved into the guest room and we have sorted through stuff that was in storage for too many years. I don’t have any photos of the buildings this time. I’ll take some next week. This post will be largely photos…

Friday night Port Festival in Saiki

Elementary shool dance performance

Elementary school dance performance

fishing boat at night

live music

live music

Buying yakitori

buying yakitori

Saturday with family

tie dye drying

tie dye drying

clouds on the way home

clouds on the way home

Fireworks in Tsukumi

One person with us said these were even better than the fireworks at the Sidney Olympics. The show lasted an hour with three minute long displays.

tsukumi fireworks

tsukumi fireworks

Today at Hatozu Beach on the southernmost coast of Oita

clear water and perfect for swimming

clear water and perfect for swimming

southern beach

southern beach

drying squid

drying squid: the ring was revolving

I head back to work in the office tomorrow. I am well rested and ready for the week.

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